- #Gate keepers anime misao manual#
- #Gate keepers anime misao series#
A Day in the Limelight: The episode, "Send Out The Gate Robo!", is a Reiko-centric episode, as it focuses on Reiko trying to find the strength of her power, as well as her place on the team, and what she contributes to it. Crazy Prepared: AEGIS just happens to have a giant piano for the Gate Robot in case Reiko decides to pilot it instead of Shun. Cool Shades: The AEGIS Commander as well as Reiji, when he becomes the new AEGIS Commander. Chinese Girl: Feng Fei Ling (as if that's not obvious enough). Chekhov's Gunman: That woman wearing the helmet and goggles whose skirt always gets blown up is actually an AEGIS undercover agent. The Cavalry: Jim and his team in the final episode. Brainwashed and Crazy: Ruriko in the final episode. Brain In a Jar: Count Akuma's brain is in, for lack of a better word, a fishbowl. In Gate Keepers 21, the Invaders are The Virus. In the case of Gate Keepers, the Invaders were sleeper agents, some sleeping so deep that they were horrified by the realization of what they really were. Body Horror: Two different types, depending on the series. Blow You Away: Shun's power, as well as that of his daughter Ayane, and his father. Though Shun does use it as an advantage at times. Berserk Button: One surefire way to piss Ruriko off is to call her a 'sniveler' (or just refer to her childhood being a sniveler). Beach Episode: Which is actually sort of plot relevant. It turns out she was using her powers to block that energy blast, not to produce it. One scene from the OP apparently depicts Megumi firing a ki blast from her hand (which is naturally impossible due to the nature of her powers, and thus, wouldn't happen).
Though by 2001 ( Anime/Gatekeepers21), history has more or less become similar to our own, if not worse. The events that transpire in the show itself, as well as the existence of AEGIS, could also count.
Alternate History: It's mentioned that the Invaders were first encountered in 1945. All Your Base Are Belong to Us: With the exception of the Commander, his secretary, and the Bridge Bunnies, everybody at AEGIS HQ becomes an invader. All Amazons Want Hercules: Kaoru and Bancho, after he gets his own Gate ability which is very similar to hers.
Action Girl: Ruriko, Kaoru, Yukino, Feiling. #Gate keepers anime misao series#
If you were looking for the young adult series of novels about the Gatekeepers, see The Power of Five There is also a novel, set in 1985, which helps explain some of the events between the two anime series. It also spawned a sequel, Gate Keepers 21, set 31 years later. The story goes on to include other Gate Keepers and their exploits as they fight against the Invaders in their bid to defend Earth. The protagonist, Shun Ukiya, is one of the Gate Keepers, who becomes aware of his powers after witnessing a fight between the Invaders and a schoolmate - and childhood friend - Ruriko Ikusawa. They seek out people known as Gate Keepers, who have the ability to unlock the gates, which in turn gives them superhuman powers.
That's where a secret agency known as A.E.G.I.S, short for "Alien Exterminating Global Intercept System," comes in. The only means to defeat the Invaders is by tapping into powerful energy locked inside dimensional "gates". In the middle of all that, alien creatures known simply as Invaders are infiltrating Earth and attempting to take over the world by turning humans into soulless robots.
The setting takes place on Earth, after the end of World War II. It was later adapted into an anime series in 2000 by GONZO who decided to omit one of the main Gatekeepers and replace another with another character with a similar design. A manga was also commisioned as well and both were released in the same month. Gate Keepers started out as a Turn-Based Strategy (with Dating Sim elements thrown in) video game for the Playstation in 1999. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.
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